Nia Peters, September 2021

Challenge Description: The goal of this challenge is to workout 1 hour everyday (except weekends).

Expectations: I expect this to be a pretty easy challenge (which is why I chose it). Previously it was very easy for me to wake up at 4:30am every morning, go to the YMCA gym, and use the ActivTrax app to accomplish a weight lifting workout. Plus I’m a Zumba© instructor and teach 1 hour classes twice per week.

Grade: C

Outcome: It’s been 30 days and honestly I only accomplished about 40% of the goal. Since the goal was to workout 1-hr for 5-days /week…I only worked out 1-hr, 2-days a week. I admit I took the easy route. I’m a Zumba© instructor so I managed to teach my Zumba© classes and that counted towards my 2 hours of working our per week. I don’t want to minimize this accomplishment. Something is better than nothing.

Next Steps: One thing I did learn from this challenge is sometimes it takes obligatory tasks to get you moving towards accomplishing your goals. My 2 hours of cardio each week is a great jump start to my health journey. As a next step, I’m really going to try to reinstate that 4:30am weight lifting workout. Maybe just starting with MWF. I’ll try this challenge again down the road. Wish me luck!

My very 1st Zumbathon – This was a 2 hour workout!