Nia Peters, October 2021

Challenge Description: The goal of this challenge is to only eat fruit between 4am-12pm.

Expectations: I expect this to be pretty challenging. I’ve actually tried only eating fruit in the morning before and I was always hungry in the morning no matter how much I ate. I’m allowed to consume as much as I want and that includes fruit juice and smoothies. The health benefit of this challenge is that fruit supposedly (when not eaten with anything else) has great cleansing properties that are optimized when eaten in the morning. Well let’s give it a try.

Grade: F

Outcome: I didn’t know how to grade this one because for the most part I just didn’t eat in the morning. I drank coffee in the morning which was satisfying enough. On some days I would go out to eat after dropping my daughter off at school and then I would consume carbs and proteins. Long story short, I failed to eat only fruit in the morning.

Next Steps: I really think I can do this one. I admit I didn’t prioritize this challenge and let it fall to the side. I think prioritizing these challenges and making them central to what I do during these 30-days will be helpful. Better luck next time.

Photo Credit Arsenal-Memes