Nia Peters

speech tech researcher. world schooler. wife and mom. member of the african diaspora. language enthusiast. health and fitness lover.

30-Day Challenge: Weekday Weight Lifting — 30 Dec 2021

30-Day Challenge: Weekday Weight Lifting

Nia Peters, December 2021

Challenge Description: The goal is to engage in 1-hour weight lifting session on weekdays

Motivation: Adding to my cardio workout. Toning, balance, and strength training. Overall I’m just trying to engage in healthier habits. I know cardio helps my heart so now it’s time for me to give me limbs and muscles some love.

Expectations: B+

Outcome: So using the ActiveTrax app from the YMCA, I woke up everyday at 4:30am and lifted weights. No cardio, just weights. I’m a Zumba instructor so I continued to teach on Tuesday and Thursday, but Monday – Friday I was in the gym. I like the ActiveTrax program because it works different areas of the body each day including abs everyday. It also corresponds to the numbers on the machines in the YMCA so I don’t spend a lot of time figuring out where things are (great for novices starting our in the gym). Finally it shows videos of how to do the exercises properly. I can track long-term progress by logging into the website. The downside is I have to be proactive and challenge myself (which is more of a reflection on me rather than the app). If I start to feel the weights are too light or the workout is too easy I have to increase the weights myself and log it. To my understanding the app will then adjust accordingly. This way I avoid plateauing which I have been known to do if not careful.

I didn’t always feel like getting up at 4:30am, but I pushed myself and consistently felt good after every workout. I was so energized that I made morning smoothies and read before the rest of the house woke up. It really gave me back a lot of my day. I give myself a B+ because I missed a few days because of holiday travel, but I still did pretty well.

Next Steps: I’m going to continue! I enjoyed this month’s challenge and I want to see where this journey leads me. I’ll continue to explore other times, but the morning is usually my best time. Like I said the major downside was that struggle to get up that early in the morning and I admit I would burn out earlier in the day and need an afternoon nap. Other than that the benefits far outweigh the cons, including morning energy in the morning, productive morning activities including smoothie making and getting my daughters ready for school. I also feel in a much better mood on the days I have a morning workout.

30-Day Challenge: Vegan Challenge — 30 Nov 2021

30-Day Challenge: Vegan Challenge

Nia Peters, November 2021

Challenge Description: The goal of this challenge is to adhere to a vegan diet for 30-days.

Motivation: I haven’t written my motivation in previous posts, but I wanted to add it here. There were two things that motivated me to try this challenge. I follow the social media influencer Tabitha Brown. I would check out some of her videos. They made me laugh and smile and sometimes brought me a sense of peace. I later purchased her book Feeding the Soul (which I highly recommend) and she mentioned she was not only motivated to try a 30-day vegan challenge because of a health scare, but also after watching the movie What the Health on Netflix.

I admit I’m sensitive to propaganda and usually see a lot of movies like What the Health as propaganda. Just because I define them as such, doesn’t mean there isn’t a useful message. Most of things we consume are propaganda and are there to make you feel strongly about something in order for you to act a particular way. This isn’t good or bad, it just is. It’s what you do with these messages that makes that difference. I know propaganda has a negative connotation, but here I’m just acknowledging that this film was trying to send a message and hell, it did a good job. The image that sticks in my mind is that of the dead pigs and the notion that they grind them up and feed them to the pigs we eat. It was gross enough to motivate this challenge.

Not sure if I will remain a vegan forever, but with Tabitha’s meal ideas to try along with that horrible image of dead pigs imbedded in my brain for awhile, count me a vegan this month.

Expectations: I expect these next few 30-days to be pretty challenging. At the end of the month we will be traveling down South for the celebration of my aunt’s birthday and retirement. I know there will plenty of tempting treats there. I admit, food + family = comfort so I’ll see how well I fare this month. Wish me luck!

Grade: A+

Outcome: I did it! First let me commend myself for seeing a challenge through ’til the end. Hurray! I ate vegan for the entire month even through Thanksgiving. The hack there was traveling on Thanksgiving day. That worked to my advantage. Honestly this challenge was not as hard as I thought and it came with a lot of lessons.

  1. I can do without “meat substitutes.” Things like vegan cheese, source cream, yogurt, etc are unnecessary and honestly I did not enjoy them. Some vegan subs were fine such as butter, mayonnaise, and impossible meat. Otherwise I was comfortable just eating fruits, veggies, nuts, and grain. Specifically I just eat a lot of foods that are already vegan i.e. India, Thai, Mediterranean, Chinese, Mexican, Ethiopia, etc. Without adding meat these foods are amazing!
  2. A regular day was as followed:
    1. Fruit or fruit smoothie in the morning…so yes I engaged in the Only Eat Fruit in the Morning Challenge this morning.
    2. Lunch I did a varied of things, with my favorites being:
      1. hummus, pita bread, and sliced veggies
      2. guacamole and chips
      3. avocado with chili lime seasoning and tofu scramble.
    3. For snacks I munched on cashews or popcorn with avacado oil or eat fruit.
    4. For dinner at home I made things like
      1. vegan spaghetti or chili with impossible burger (my family couldn’t tell the difference and enjoyed it)
      2. vegan pad thai
      3. falafel and tahini sauce (this was not a hit with the family, but I loved it)
      4. Traditional dinner in our house with a meat, carb, and veggie where I only eat the card and veggies.
  3. I found a few restaurants with dishes I am absolutely in love with. I live in Dayton, OH so places like Butter Cafe have an excellent tofu scramble and vegan chocolate cake. The Cheesebase Factory has a lovely cauliflower taco and avocado egg rolls. Finally The Trolly Stop has an absolutely amazing portobello mushroom sandwich. If you are ever in Dayton I highly recommend these restaurants and dishes

I gave myself an A+ because I handled this challenge like an absolute boss! I also did two other failed challenges this month: the Workout 1-hour Per Day 5 Days a Week Challenge and the Only Eat Fruit in the Morning Challenge.

I lost weight, gained energy, and feel great,! Full disclosure, some days were a lot harder than others. Look I’ll level with you. I grew up eating meat, eating unhealthy, and associating food with love. Eating vegan for month although offering rewards also took a toll on my me physically and emotionally. I just want to paint a wholistic few of the journey.

  1. I was gassy for the 1st 2 weeks. I called this my detox period. Anytime you do drastic changes in the way you eat, you body may go through some uncomfortable changes. Mine was gassiness. I embraced that I was in a detox and just pushed through it
  2. I associate food with love and not being able to share in the foods loved by my family was difficult. I found it helpful not claim that I was vegan or doing a vegan challenge, but just eat what I could and when someone asked me about me plate, I would just say “I ate earlier.”
  3. If I did not pack a snack bag I was in trouble! I learned this early on in the challenge. When I am hungry, I am more tempted to just give in and eat what is available. With a snack bag if I was every anywhere were vegan options were not available, I would just eat a snack before or after to curb my appetite.

Next Steps: I’m going to continue! I enjoyed this month’s challenge and I want to see where this journey leads me. Look I never thought in million years I would participate in a vegan diet, but I’m going to see if I can do this next month along with the other previous challenges. Although next month I will have a different challenge, I like the concept of habit building. Let’s keep that trend going.

30-Day Challenge: Only Eat Fruit In the Morning — 30 Oct 2021

30-Day Challenge: Only Eat Fruit In the Morning

Nia Peters, October 2021

Challenge Description: The goal of this challenge is to only eat fruit between 4am-12pm.

Expectations: I expect this to be pretty challenging. I’ve actually tried only eating fruit in the morning before and I was always hungry in the morning no matter how much I ate. I’m allowed to consume as much as I want and that includes fruit juice and smoothies. The health benefit of this challenge is that fruit supposedly (when not eaten with anything else) has great cleansing properties that are optimized when eaten in the morning. Well let’s give it a try.

Grade: F

Outcome: I didn’t know how to grade this one because for the most part I just didn’t eat in the morning. I drank coffee in the morning which was satisfying enough. On some days I would go out to eat after dropping my daughter off at school and then I would consume carbs and proteins. Long story short, I failed to eat only fruit in the morning.

Next Steps: I really think I can do this one. I admit I didn’t prioritize this challenge and let it fall to the side. I think prioritizing these challenges and making them central to what I do during these 30-days will be helpful. Better luck next time.

Photo Credit Arsenal-Memes

30-Day Challenge: Workout 1-hour per day , 5-days a week — 30 Sep 2021

30-Day Challenge: Workout 1-hour per day , 5-days a week

Nia Peters, September 2021

Challenge Description: The goal of this challenge is to workout 1 hour everyday (except weekends).

Expectations: I expect this to be a pretty easy challenge (which is why I chose it). Previously it was very easy for me to wake up at 4:30am every morning, go to the YMCA gym, and use the ActivTrax app to accomplish a weight lifting workout. Plus I’m a Zumba© instructor and teach 1 hour classes twice per week.

Grade: C

Outcome: It’s been 30 days and honestly I only accomplished about 40% of the goal. Since the goal was to workout 1-hr for 5-days /week…I only worked out 1-hr, 2-days a week. I admit I took the easy route. I’m a Zumba© instructor so I managed to teach my Zumba© classes and that counted towards my 2 hours of working our per week. I don’t want to minimize this accomplishment. Something is better than nothing.

Next Steps: One thing I did learn from this challenge is sometimes it takes obligatory tasks to get you moving towards accomplishing your goals. My 2 hours of cardio each week is a great jump start to my health journey. As a next step, I’m really going to try to reinstate that 4:30am weight lifting workout. Maybe just starting with MWF. I’ll try this challenge again down the road. Wish me luck!

My very 1st Zumbathon – This was a 2 hour workout!

30-Day Challenge: No Eating After 8pm — 31 Aug 2021

30-Day Challenge: No Eating After 8pm

Nia Peters, August 2021

Challenge Description: The goal of this challenge is to avoid eat or drinking (besides water) anything after 8pm at night.

Expectations: I expect this to be a bit uncomfortable in the beginning, physically and emotionally. I have a bad habit of eating in the evenings to relax from a hard day of work and the stresses of everyday life. At night I turn on my favorite show/movie and eat mindlessly. I admit recently I’ve gone as far as ordering DoorDash very late at night. That’s been me at my lowest point. I don’t expect to lose weight, but I do hope this will help develop a new eating habit to improve my overall health and well-being.

Grade: F

Outcome: It’s been 30 days and I can honestly say I failed this challenge. Out of 30 days, I ate after 8pm over 70% of the time. Most of my behavior came directly from what I specified before, stresses of work and everyday life. Either I have to mitigate these stresses or find ways to avoid eating despite them. Either way, this challenge just opened my eyes to deeper seeded issues and that’s something.

Photo Credit: @JimMarketti
30-Day Challenge Introduction — 4 Aug 2021

30-Day Challenge Introduction

August 2020

So I want to try something. I want to engage in a 30-Day Challenge each month. Here are the rules:

  1. I will select a 30-Day challenge. It can be anything, 30-Days of planks, 30-Days of reading before bed, 30-Days of meditation…it doesn’t matter. The goal is to just pick something.
  2. One the first day, I will write about the challenge, my expectations, and maybe even post a picture
  3. After 30 Days I will reflect on my experience with words and/or pictures

Wish me luck. I start my journey today!

Economic Impact of STEM — 1 Jan 2020

Economic Impact of STEM

This image and quote from the STEM Connector 2012 – 2013 annual report is telling of the leakage in our current STEM pipeline.  These images and stories motivate my endeavors to help fill these holes and optimize on the number of African-Americans and women who pursue careers and activities in STEM.
“As STEM goes, so goes the country.  The global economic leadership of the United States is inextricably linked to advancement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.  Experts estimate that as much as 75 percent of measured growth in the US economy is attributable to technological innovation.  In addition, the overall U.S. science and technology workforce exceeded 7.4 million workers in 2012 and it will continue to grow significantly through 2018, to an estimated 8.65M STEM workers.”
~The STEM Connector, 2012-2013, Annual Report: “Where are the STEM Students” ~